About Me

I am an Excel Enthusiast/Aficionado. My love for excel started when I was employed as a systems auditor. The job entailed good data analysis skills, mostly with Microsoft Excel.

When am not playing the drums or making trouble on Facebook, I can be found on MrExcel.com trying to answer excel related questions of all difficulty level.

I am a Microsoft Certified Excel 2010 Expert and I hope to bag some others very soon.

This is a blog where you would, hopefully pick up a few tips that will make you the 'go to guy" in your office, improve your productivity and Efficiency by saving you hours of unneeded labour daily.

Relax as we EXCEL together

Victor Momoh

1 comment:

  1. It's crazy. I am addicted to Excel too. I write programs for businesses such a vending business (complex invoice) and a range of programs for Salvation Army. I love it, no matter how difficult some of the proof reading can be. I also like to use Mr. Excel and Ben's advice on some issues I run across. Thanks for you guys help.

